Book sales

The biggest source of revenue for the Friends of the Olympia Library is sales of donated books and media. FOL sells these donated books via in-library sales shelves at both the downtown and westside libraries, and on Amazon.

In-library sales

You can buy books and media inside the downtown library (located near the holds shelves) whenever the library is open.

You can buy books and media inside the Westside Library from the cart to the right of the library entrance, whenever the library is open.

You can pay for purchases from the in-library sales by cash or check in the boxes nearby, by using the QR code posted near the sales shelves or by using Paypal by pressing the button below:

FOL book sale purchase

If you want to pay an amount other than those offered, you can make multiple payments in any combination needed.

Amazon sales

You can buy books online anytime at our Amazon store.

eBay sales

You can buy books online anytime at our eBay store.

What happened to the giant book sales?

For now, our giant book sales are a thing of the past, after being on hold during the pandemic. But please watch for our special pop-up, one-subject sales, such as gardening and holidays! Items are ready for your purchase from special sales carts near the general sales shelves.